Needs TLC Pre-Loved Collection

We’ll always try to refresh an item before we include it in our Pre-Loved Drops, but sometimes we aren’t able to do this fully, which is why some of our pre-loved items remain classified as Needs TLC.
Discolouration, marks, fading of brightness of colours or general washwear are the most common reasons an item will be classified as Needs TLC. We always specify this in the description, meaning you have a greater understanding of the condition of each item you are purchasing.
Our Needs TLC pre-loved items are charged at 20% of the original retail price, meaning you can dress your Little One in high quality & branded clothes all the time - even for their crazy, messy, adventures!

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Size Guide


Size Guide for Baby Mori


Size Guide for Dotty Dungarees


Size Guide for Kite Clothing


Size Guide for Pigeon Organics


Size Guide for Little Green Radicals